SCON International Conference on Food Science, Nutrition and Public Health - Exhibitor Opportunities
SCON International Conference on Food Science, Nutrition and Public Health (SIFNP) is the leading International Conference organized by Scholarena. The theme of the Congress this year is: Promulgating latest Innovations & Applications in the field of Nutrition and Food Technology. The Congress focus is on providing an opportunity for academics, investigators and researchers to showcase their research results to the world. will be SIFNP will be held in Singapore on June 27-28, 2019
Benefits for Exhibitors:
The Organizing Committee of SIFNP envisages that over 200 participants and applicants would attend the event. SCON International Conference on Food Science, Nutrition and Public Health would help Exhibitors to reach their desired audiences and facilitate the promotion of their organizations’ brands in the Congress. SIFNP Congress would also offer a platform for eminent scholars in the field of Food Science and Nutrition to speak directly to colleagues and others in their areas of specialization. It will also afford science subject specialists and experts the opportunity to display their leading Science Education brands and resources. Our Exhibitors would gain value from associating with Food Science and Nutrition practitioners who would form the bulk of delegates expected in the Congress events. Plus meeting young and promising researchers and established names in the field of Food Science and Nutrition . You will certainly get an occasion to hear current and trending topics in Science and Technology. SIFNP would further permit you to connect ewith research investigators, speakers and possible future business partners. As a SIFNP Exhibitor, your logo will be displayed in the Congress program of proceedings that would be circulated to all participants. Your logo will also be on display on the Congress website, with an active link to your organization's Landing Page.
Exhibitor Booth ($2,000 and above)
You will receive increased exposure of your brand on the days of the event, by displaying your booth or pop-up display in a high traffic area. However, your booth location will be determined by your level of sponsorship. Noticeable recognition will be given your organization, with its name shown on the Congress website. Plus allocating your establishment's name a live link to your designated URL, which will be featured in the congress website. A Complimentary Exhibitor Table/Booth (0-2 complimentary registrations) will be provided for you, based on your level of sponsorship). As an Exhibitor, your organization's logo and profile will be listed in the Congress program of events that would be circulated to all attendees. Please get registered as an Exhibitor at "Register as an Exhibitor" to avail yourself of the “Exhibitors Benefits” at SIFNP